Tahini – Food for the Gods
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Breakfast outdoors tastes better |
Those of you versed in Greek history might have guessed by now the name
of this super-food seed; which is none other than Sesame seed (SESAMUM indicum). And the paste is Tahini.
Borrowing from the ancient Greek
wisdom I decided to include 1 to 2 spoons of tahini mixed with pure honey in my
breakfast. By eating it daily in the morning I hoped it would enhance my blog
writing skills (which only time can tell), but for now the result is an
amazingly delicious healthy food in my diet; especially when I put it on a
slice of freshly baked home-made bread with whole nuts and zea flour.
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Traditional bronze bowls are still used for the production |
This summer a very dear friend
from abroad spent few days at my home. The first day after his arrival I offered
him a typical Greek breakfast full of delicious & healthy locally grown products.
I must mention that Greece is a paradise for fruits, vegetables, nuts,
honey, olive oil, and real yogurt due to constant shinny days and ground
consistency. And believe me they taste nothing like what you might have already
tasted elsewhere. They can wake up your deepest memories of childhood, when you
were just a carefree child, who was exhausted from nonstop playing, running to
your mom’s kitchen for your snack.
So I woke up early that morning
and baked bread (whole nut and Zea flour) with lots of sunflower seeds and linseeds.
I sliced apples and figs freshly picked up from my mother’s garden, got pure
goat yogurt (the one with the crust on top), a combination of cereals (linseed,
buckwheat, oats & zea),raw nuts, home-made jam with fruits from my parent’s
garden (thanks mom!) honey and of course tahini.
While we were having our breakfast under the warm sun (Greece is well known for sun’s bright light effect) I noticed that my friend’s eyes, on seeing tahini, opened wide full of query! It was only then I realized that many people worldwide, not only haven’t tasted tahini, but they also haven’t heard about it. Maybe that’s why we don’t have big empires and Epics like the one Homer wrote once!
So I imagined I was Eleni of
Troy and I started explaining to my friend what exactly tahini is, how it is
made, how nutritious it is and how can we use it in our daily diet.
I explained to him that tahini,
is actually the paste produced by milling baked wholegrain sesame seeds.
Sometimes you can find tahini in which it is added cocoa powder, which
gives a very special taste and it suits a lot.
Adding tahini in your daily diet
is so healthy that you can notice very soon the health benefits and the
improvement in the appearance of your skin and hair. Of course you have to be
very careful with the amount you consume, since one soup spoon of tahini has
almost 90kcal.
For vegetarians like me, tahini
is a perfect source of vegetable proteins, with high biological value, when you
combine it with food rich in lysine, like nuts or pulses , (like chickpeas, for
hummus or with beans) since it provides you with proteins with biological value
equivalent to meat proteins. Tahini is also rich in vitamins E, B1, B2, niacin,
amino acids and carbohydrates. It prevents hair loss, headaches and increases
milk production for lactating women. It also acts as antihypertensive, anti thrombotic,
anticancer and antioxidant and helps against osteoporosis.
Due to all these it is regarded as a super food. Ancient Greeks used to
add tahini in their daily meals. It is also used in Arabian and Turkish cuisine.
We find mention of the seeds in
ancient Chinese medicine while Assyrian Gods were believed to drink wine made from
sesame seed before a battle, and mortals considered it precious as silver.
While I was talking to my friend
about tahini, I noticed that the whole bowl of tahini and almost all of the bread
had disappeared and in a way he did look fuller and shinier. I was so happy he
was enjoying its divine taste while listening to my stories that I continued giving
him advises how to use it as a dressing in his salads (just by mixing tahini
with lemon juice) or as a dip for his finger food with raw vegetables, like
carrots and cucumber (just by mixing tahini, lemon juice, salt and pepper in a
bowl).So simple, so easy yet if you consider how rich tahini is in calcium,
zinc, potassium, copper, iron and Ω6 fats… you get amazed! Just by eating one spoon of tahini daily you stand
to improve your health tremendously. And who knows, this may lead you to your
Eleni of Troy!
That morning, after eating the
whole bowl of tahini (along with all the other food we had) it is needless to
mention that we went for hiking into the Rodopi Mountains. We wandered over 8
hours through the beautiful forests. Too many calories had to be burned!