Happy Living – Style Simply
Girls, let’s honestly confess that every
time we get ready for a big night out or for a special evening with a handsome
guy, we spend too much time in front of our wardrobe, with onset of panic that
there’s nothing appropriate for the occasion to wear. To make it worst we spend
the whole evening thinking which outfit would suit best for the occasion and
then we squander at least couple of hours more in making all the possible
combinations with the skirts, shirts, dresses and accessories that our
overloaded closet is stuffed with. And the result! A stressful evening, wastage
of precious time, upset mood, confusion, panic, which often leads us to a
boutique store where our already over charged credit card gets charged even
As I believe that simplicity is the key to
happiness in every field of my life I applied it into style too.
Here are some basic tips which can make
our life simpler yet be stylish and fabulous at the same time.
Before you rush out with your
overcharged credit card to the next boutique store, please take a deep breath,
don’t panic and stand in front of your closet, and separate all clothes which you
haven't worn for the last two years. Give these clothes away immediately to
those who really need them. You don’t, or you would have used them. This has
twin benefits: creates space for you and you help the needy. Emptying your
closet and life of things that you don’t really need is therapeutic. This
action alone will make you feel light and blissful.
To look smart and classy and stylish yet
simple all you need are these 5 pieces of clothing: a nice white shirt, a little
black dress (LBD), a nice pair of jeans, a pencil skirt, and a plain blouse.
All these should be of good quality. In case you don’t have one or some of
these then get them and you are on your way. With these 5 pieces you can look
classy, elegant and fresh from morning to night.
The next step is to get rid of all the
extra clothes, which are similar in color, looks, design, texture and material.
Give these away to charity.
Now, let’s go shopping! Aha, I can see
that catty smile on your face now. Let's go for a dress. In order to look stylish
under any circumstances, buy one dress of really good quality, in classic style
which would last for many years and would never go out of fashion. If you are
not sure about the style, trust designer labels like Giorgio Armani or Salvatore
Ferragamo. They know us better much better and they want us to look sexy and
elegant at the same time. If you think designer labels are too expensive, buy
them during sales. Many big outlets and super stores have sales up to 80% off. Even
if this price is few times more than a cheap dress of lower quality, it is
still a better bargain since it lasts much longer and of much superior quality.

Now let’s look within us and find the
simplicity rule of style and elegance that lies inside.
Last evening I was invited to an elegant
party of rich and classy people and for a while I pondered what would suit the
occasion best! To begin with my closet doesn’t have that many dresses anyway. I
had less to choose from so it should be simple. Fewer the options in life we
have, simpler our lives will be. And soon enough it hit me that I could
actually put on anything that I felt comfortable in, which makes me look good
and showed my character and body to their best advantage. It wasn’t so much
about the dress or the accessories, it was more about me and how I felt from
If I felt sexy, that’s how I would look,
no matter even if I cover every inch of my skin. If I felt confident, any
classy dress would make me look confident. What’s most important is to first be
who we really are and who we want to be for the occasion and then dress
accordingly. Rather than wear a dress and try to fit your persona into it. A
confident and classy woman can carry away anything with elegance, charm and
savoir faire. So more than my outfit I groom my inner beauty and my love for
living. It is cheaper, healthier and life transforming.
I am who I am and I love myself exactly
the way it is. I have accepted myself and I feel limitless. Things for me are
so easy now since not many choices are left to enmesh me. Love yourself, love
your imperfections and soon your enchanting beauty will entice people.
And never forget that beauty grows deep within
us. Let it emerge and bloom like a flower. No matter what you wear, if you
don't feel beautiful, you will never look elegant. Put on your biggest, sincere
smile and let your grace captivate men.
So always remember: simplicity leads to
A friend of mine, who is one of the
happiest people on earth, once told me: People should keep just three outfits;
two in their closet and the third one in the store. The first one to wear and
the second one to use when the first one needs washing. The third one in the
store is to replace the first one when it gets too old. This way you don’t
clutter your closet or mind and you never go out of style. Don’t turn your
closet into a store. In that way you never put yourself under stress, wondering
what should you wear since there are no other choices; the third one will be lying
in the store waiting for you to buy it when time will come. Not before that. So
in that way life becomes really simple and easy.
Ok, I am not telling you to throw away
all your clothes today! Just try from now on to be simpler and think twice before
you go out shopping.
My life has changed dramatically since I
started following the above simple tips and believe me I feel happy and content
every day, since now I find beauty in every single thing, no matter how simple
or small it is.