Sunday, 15 February 2015

Kalimera (hello) to Good Life

Kalimera my friends, welcome to my home; a world of Good Living.

For breakfast I will serve you the knowledge I gained through my quests for good living combined with the exotic fragrances and taste my homeland offers so generously. Beneath the sparkling blue Greek sky I will illustrate how easy life can be, luxurious in its simplicity, yet sexy just by surrendering your senses to its rhythm. I will reveal nature’s secrets, through stories of simple village people whose wisdom has passed through generations, carefully nurtured like Mother Nature would do for her "children".

As you glean more about the organic products my land offers, you would begin to appreciate why ancient Greeks, the creators of "golden ages" chose wisely to integrate them within their daily diet. Even Homer in his very first epic wrote so poetically about these treasures during Achilles journey to Troy.

Lunch would be an introduction to a stylish and relaxed way of living, easily applied, giving you a new perspective to your life just by taking the correct decisions. Greek hospitality and traditions for good living are legendary. We love to fine dine and party every day and everything is so easily set up. You may read about the Greek crisis in the media but we have retained our taste for good living. Imagine yourself stepping into my house, redolent with essence of freshly chopped thyme  flirting with the elegance of gold virgin olive oil on top of red juicy tomatoes reclining on white, like snow, feta cheese, accompanying a glass of red wine; recipes that originate from time immemorial.
Before we sit down for dinner, where more spicy experiences would be shared, during evening snack I will serve my time tested tips and proposals for the body and the outdoors, since a combination of a healthy mind and body is needed for ‘good’ living. Just by making small changes in your life today, you can change your tomorrow and awesome things can be happen.

By now I am sure you are curious to know about your gourmet chef; which is me Kiki. I will reveal more about myself and my dreams as we journey along but for now I will share one of my deepest childhood desires that I have never shared before.

Ever since I was a young girl, my biggest dream was to travel around the world, explore new places, learn about new cultures and meet new people. I visualized little Kiki, wearing short polka dot pink skirts, travel around the world, just with one backpack on her back,  from one country to another from one continent to another riding  a horse, sometimes a camel, even an elephant and of course with lots of footwork. I always loved walking and hiking. Sometimes I feel I was born to walk. I could walk all around the world, without ever complaining.

All my life I admired people who  followed their passion, their inner need to explore the world; who dared to dream and believed in them and stopped at nothing to achieve their goals and I realized that most often such people began their journey with very meager resources, often discouraged and ridiculed by the society. Such people became my role model though I must confess that after backpacking around the world with very low budget I would love to immerse myself in the warmth of a luxury hotel and Jacuzzi.

Then one day I realized that little Kiki had grown up without having completed her journey around the world, in the way she had dreamed of, since it never really began. The imaginary back-pack was still resting on a store shelf. However, during all these years, my inner need to experience new things pushed me into places and situations that made me feel happy and free, since either in reality or within my mind I did travel, met new friends, explored new places, listened to stories from people who shared their experiences and wisdom and I understood how happiness, harmony and the meaning of life, or in another words “good living” could be acquired just by making the right choices.
During one of my last trips some friends asked me to share all the knowledge I have gained through these years that has transformed my life from ordinary to amazing since I live a healthy lifestyle and believe that anyone can lead a good life just by making the right choices and leading a balanced life by combining healthy eating, healthy habits and healthy mind.

I was lucky to be born in Greece, a place so rich and abundant in history and culture, with fragrances and tastes of rare beauty. I had the privilege of meeting wise people who taught me the secrets of good living; how to love myself, how to find happiness in simplicity, how to encourage my free spirit, and they showed me that out there exists a wonderful world where you can live awesome.

This is my world, my house of good living. I will keep the doors wide open because you are all invited to join me and share your experiences and thoughts. Only by sharing our knowledge and caring about each other can we prosper and exist. We all are entitled to Good Living, the only state of life worth living. So come along for this wild adventure; I promise you will enjoy every moment of the ride.

Did I mention that the last present I recently received was a back-pack and a tent!


  1. What a wonderful concept and idea and what a lovely blogger! I had been searching for Greek lifestyle when I came across your blog. Waiting to read more posts. Wishing you the best - Mark

  2. Tell us more about aegean food & mediterranean diet effect greek girl...

  3. Beautiful like summer in her country !!!
